Talacrest - new classic Ferrari site

Talacrest - new classic Ferrari site

Racecar have just built a new site for longstanding customers - Talacrest - who at the very heavy end of the collector Ferrari sector - show that the market is active and business is strong.

John Collins - the boss of Talacrest has recently been interviewed on Bloomberg to provide expert opinion on the market as a whole - and summed up the situation by broadly saying:

"There are not enough collector Ferraris to satisfy the demand for new people coming into the market"

Talacrest have currently a couple of 250 SWB's for sale - together with some other classic road Ferraris - as well as a couple of Ferrari racecars to enjoy this year's race season with.

Racecar look after web site & conventional media advertising for Talacrest - and have done for the last 12 years.

Click here for the Talacrest web site - designed and built by Racecar