Essen Techno Classica winners - Hall and Hall

Essen Techno Classica winners - Hall and Hall

Quick report from Hall and Hall from Essen Techno Classica. Click on the link below to visit their site - their world class reputation for historic racecar preparation and restoration is well known - but you may be unaware of the historic racecars for sale. Check out their stocklist - jaw dropping if you are into old racecars....

Essen Techno Classica 2010

Hall and Hall have just returned from their first appearance at the Essen Techno Classica in Essen, Germany where they picked up the award for the best stand in show for competition cars.

The Essen show is possibly the largest historic car show in the world with 11 fully booked halls and over 1000 exhibitors, so to scoop this prize on the companies first visit to Essen is a major achievement.

Highlights of the Hall and Hall stand were the Mercedes W194 factory team car complete with roof mounted airbrake, the Sokol/Auto Union 650 which was built at the Chemnitz works under the direction of Vasily Stalin and remains the only complete car in existence and the ex Jim Clark Lotus 33, winner of the South African GP in Jan 1965.

Click here for the Hall & Hall web site - designed and built by Racecar