Reserve list opens as Roger Albert Clark Rally hits 150 entries

Reserve list opens as Roger Albert Clark Rally hits 150 entries

A reserve entry list has been opened for the 2019 Roger Albert Clark Rally after the capacity of 130 deposits from UK crews was easily exceeded last week. The biggest and toughest UK special stage rally will start one year today, on 21 November 2019.
The response to the 2019 event has been overwhelming and 144 UK entry deposits have now been taken by the Roger Albert Clark Rally Motor Club. Six of the 20 places reserved for overseas crews have also been taken, to give an incredible total of 150 deposits to date.
The five-day, 300-stage mile route will form the longest stage rally in Britain for more than 20 years. While the event has strong support from the historic fraternity, the concurrent Open Rally is open to any MSA log-booked two-wheel drive rally car.
Fresh deposits are now being placed on a reserve list and there is every probability that a good number of reserves will get a place on the final entry list for the 21-25 November 2019 event.
Rally Manager Colin Heppenstall said: “The response has been incredible and to have a full list of entries one year before the rally is a fantastic boost for the organising team and everyone involved in making this event happen. However, we know from experience that some of those deposits will be withdrawn over the coming months fort a whole host of reasons. So if anyone is considering entering, please do not be put off by the news that we have reached 150 deposits. Please go ahead and enter as we are sure we will ultimately have space for quite a few reserves.”
For those who have paid a deposit, a second payment of £500 will be due before the end of April 2019. A third payment of £500 will be required before the end of August, which is the final date for withdrawing deposits less a £50 administration fee.
Full payment of the entry fee must be received by 1 November 2019. It is expected that the final entry fee will be no more than £3,700 for 300 stage miles. Full details of the entry deposit system can be found on the event website at