Racecar Supports The Thoroughbred Christmas Ball at the Royal Automobile Club

Racecar Supports The Thoroughbred Christmas Ball at the  Royal Automobile Club
This is a very special event for The Racehorse Sanctuary. Over 4000 horses leave the racing industry annually, but sadly, many of them face an uncertain future. The Racehorse Sanctuary provides a lifeline for such horses; as one of the leading organisations working in this field our work is vital to thoroughbred welfare, we have rehomed hundreds of horses since being established 10 years ago
Several thousand horses leave the racing industry every year, the lucky ones who are sound and can be retrained make an easy transition to a new career and a life after racing. Catering for the more problematical or time consuming horses plus those who cannot be ridden is where this charity steps in.
We specialise in the more difficult horses, those who through no fault of their own cannot find an immediate home and a second career - these horses are usually destined for a very sad end indeed.
Currently home to thirty horses, with additional horses in foster care and over a hundred for whom The Sanctuary has a 'duty of care', we are trying to work through a very long waiting list - but the demand is simply ongoing, of late we have been turning away at least six horses a week due to lack of space and funding.
There can be a bright future after their racing career for ex-racehorses and the Sanctuary offers just that regardless if it be a Grand National winner or an 'also ran' - they can't all be winners, but they spend their lives trying - we owe it to them to secure their futures and create an environment where they will live out the rest of their days in peace.
The Racehorse Sanctuary relies on charitable donations to look after the horses in our care, we receive no official funding and are totally reliant upon the generosity of our kind supporters. Even though we helped many horses in the last ten years there are still hundreds that we couldn’t help because we don’t have the resources to do so.  
With your help and with the support of Racecar we can make a difference
Find out more about the sanctuary at http://www.racehorsesanctuary.org

Don't miss out on the Thoroughbred Christmas Ball