Fiskens website refresh and Private Collection launch

Fiskens website refresh and Private Collection launch

We have just completed a website refresh for long standing client of ours, Fiskens.

Originally built way back in 2014, the site has evolved over the years but now with the increase in tablet and smartphone devices being used, a more complete overhaul was needed, including a fresh new colour scheme to go with their new print media branding and marketing.

To coincide with the new site launch, Fiskens have brought to market a significant private collection of vehicles. Secreted for decades in the English stables of an overseas crown prince, comprising more than a dozen mostly pre-war cars, these vehicles have not been seen publicly for over 30 years.

And if that wasn't enough, Fiskens can't wait to announce the launch of another exciting collection in the coming stay tuned!

Click here to view the Fiskens web site designed and built by Racecar