Ferrari 330 P4 Videos on Talacrest

Ferrari 330 P4 Videos on Talacrest

You'll more than likely be familiar with Talacrest if you're a regular to Racecar - we do a bunch of design and print ads for them as well as having designed and built the website. More often than not there's a delectable selection of exotic and classic Ferrari available for sale at any given time, and now is absolutely no exception. Last week we had a thoroughly-enjoyable time filming at Talacrest, with David Piper and John Collins in attendance - as well as three of Santa's 'naughty' elves!

The videos speak for themselves - the Ferrari 330 P4 #0858 gets the treatment it deserves.

Firstly, we wished David Piper a very happy 83rd birthday, and took some vids of him having a go in the car, an interesting comment from him at the end - he says the Clutch and Gearbox were a pleasure to use!

Next, we took a more intensive video when the car started up. If you're lucky enough to be blessed with rich-bass speakers, I suggest you turn the volume right up and hold on to your seat!

And finally (for now!) we have a very special video featuring John Collins and Santas Naughty Elves... - Bonus! - Radio DJ and multiple Ferrari-owner Chris Evans had a gander at the vid and liked it enough to tweet it to his one and a half million followers...

And let's not forget, there are a ton more fantastic Ferraris for sale (or merely to gawp at / drool over) at - site designed and built by Racecar.

...for those too lazy to click on the YouTube links, see below...