Cottingham Blue Chip Classics - web site refresh

Cottingham Blue Chip Classics - web site refresh

Just launched a new site for Jeremy Cottingham of Cottingham Blue Chip Classics.

Site has some neat scripting and some other stuff which makes it load quickly and presents a good showcase for their great stock.

Although the business focuses on Classic Ferrari, there is a usually a strong selection of modern RS Porsche and some other eclectic classic legends.

Personally rather taken by the gorgeous BMW 2002 Turbo which as an ex '02 owner is the mutts nuts!

Jeremy has been a customer for years and also designed his logo and enjoyed some memeorable video shoots.

If you would like a bespoke web site as a classic car dealer with similar production values - get in touch

Click here for Jeremy Cottingham web site - designed and built by Racecar

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